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Welcome to the documentation of the Research Software Directory!

Research software is one of the most important scientific instruments available today. Data-intensive research and computational simulation are the foundation of many scientific discoveries.

The Research Software Directory (RSD) is a free online platform designed to showcase the impact of research software on research and society. By showing research software together with relevant contextual information such as scientific publications, contributors, projects, citation information and much more, we stimulate thereuse and encourage proper citation to ensure the researchers and RSEs developing the software get credit for their work.

More information about the concepts behind the RSD can be found in this excellent blog.

About us

The Research Software Directory was initiated in 2017 by the Netherlands eScience Center as a platform to showcase the research software developed at our center. After sucessfully using the RSD for several years, we decided in 2021 to re-engineer the platform so we can offer it as an online service to other research organizations. In 2022, our development effort was joined by HIFIS.